This post was first seen on Lauren from Lose Time Readings' blog! Then I saw Jessi do her own discussion on part of it, and I thought, "Hey! I'm totally gonna be a copycat because I want to talk about this!". And so I'm doing one. But all the credit to Lauren for the idea!
In thinking about this a few things come to mind, I’ve had
to really think outside of the box a little bit. I tend to consider myself a
very open reader. I’ll read a variety of things. I’ll read books I know will be
sad touching stories.
steampunk to thriller. I adore historical fiction. As far as genres go I’m
pretty lax about it all. It’s when you dive into subcategories that you find me
Deal Breakers
Mermaids – I’ve
read a few books with mermaids in them, and while none of them were HORRID,
none of them blew my mind. They were just nothing special. I’m just not
interested in them, enough to care to pick them up. If it has good reviews and
an interesting premise I might give it a shot, but honestly? Not
something I
lean towards.
Sexy Covers –
This is prominent mostly in New Adult and Erotic Adult Romance. And I don’t
read that anyway, but if there was a YA cover that did have a cover that
resembled them I’d stay away. I love a good and swoony romance but I’m not in
the book for the sexy times. I’m in it for the story. So don’t try to get me to
be interested in a book by the abs on the cover. Eew.
Cliché Sounding
Synopsis – Chances are if you give me no details other than the most basic
and generic plot of that genre, I’m gonna turn it down. I don’t mind similar
stories in the same genre, that’s why there ARE genres. But you need to have an
original fact in your synopsis or I probably won’t care enough to pick you up.
Boarding Schools –
These books are okay. They can be interesting; they can be full of mystery,
uniqueness and fun! (ie. Hex Hall, Anna and the French Kiss) or they can be
generic wannabes that are either too sugar coated or too depressing for words. But honestly, I’ve pretty much
given up on them, because I’ve had some BAD experiences with them. (Down below)
and only phenomenal ravings by people I trust, or a Super amazing synopsis that
blows my mind would ever entice me to reenter the doors of a Boarding School
book again.
Boarding Schools + A Paranormal Creature = No. This is where
it all went wrong and Boarding Schools went wrong for me. I used to enjoy
boarding school books. Until the paranormal came. (ie. Fallen, Haven) I can
enjoy reading about angels, vampires, and
sometimes psychics if they are done right. But smash them together and place
them in a big mansion? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NO. I just cannot do it. Like I
physically cannot. It’s just not for me.
Fey – This is
literally my number one deal breaker of
them all. I will cringe if I learn about books with Fey/Faeries in them. So
many past experiences have ruined my taste and interest in faeries. (ie. Destined,
Wondrous Strange, Innocent Darkness, The Faerie Path, Fairy Bad Day, How toDitch Your Fairy…thanks 2012)I literally cringe when I learn about fey books. Too
many cheesy or not fully developed worlds/characters/settings have kept me
uninterested and bored I just cannot do it anymore. You’ll have to look up or
ask me about these books, because seriously, I’m scarred.
Now there are some fey books I feel that the entire
population freaking raves about. (ie. The Iron Fey). I’ve been bugged about
these books for SO LONG and I’ve promised many times back that I will read them
(and I will!), but the fact that FEY is in that series name is also the reason
I haven’t started it yet. All the past experiences that have scarred my reading
of faeries doesn’t exactly make me want to read anymore Fey, despite the
glorious things I’ve heard. So I’m sorry Merp Squad….keep waiting.
Speaking of deal breakers, here's a fun song done by my favorite comedy group about Deal Breakers.
Let me know what turns you away from books! Talk to me, XOXO
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