[Jessi] Hello loverlies! We’re here today to talk about our reviewing processes!
[Inky] Thanks so much to Lisseth from Read-A-Holicz for submitting this topic! Let’s get this party started!
The Reviewing Process
So Nator Twin, is there a specific way that you review books?
Well, for me, there definitely is. I have to take notes when I’m reading, otherwise I forget everything. When I keep track of my thoughts, I feel like I have more in depth and accurate reviews. Plus, I like to use quotes to back my claims!
And we all know how famous your quotes are for making me want to read or not a book. (If you didn’t, now you do).
(I didn’t know. Thank you for the enlightenment!) I used to read a book, then make up my post and write my review as soon as I finished. Then I started getting really bad at reviewing things as soon as I was done, letting them pile up until I had 4 or more reviews I still needed to write. As a result, my reviews got more and more vague! Then recently I adopted Ashley’s way of reviewing: To draft the post before I start reading the book so that all I have to do is type up my review when I’m done. It’s SO much easier!
Gotta love smart blogging methods! I should probably learn from you two but that probably won’t happen =]
Hee hee to each his own! I also like to keep at least 2 week’s worth of posts scheduled. I used to pretty much wait until the day before to type a review post, and it became so stressful to do everything last minute that I had to resort to scheduling. Then I know I’m good for a couple weeks and I can take my sweet time typing the next post. I feel much less pressure!
I like your process. Unfortunately I really can’t say that I have one. Ha. When it comes to reviews I’m really unpredictable. First I read the book. A very crucial element of this process, wouldn’t ya say? Since I don’t put quotes in my review I only take notes if I have issues or small things I want to remember. Because I include a content review I usually keep note of that as well.
I like to use the Evernote app on my kindle. It makes me feel snazzy and professional, when in reality..I’m not.
I love Evernote!
Once I’m done with the book I usually sit and try to figure out what I think about it. I’ll either add to my written notes or make a mental list. Then I visit Goodreads and give the book a rating and long with a quick one-liner review before going to the blog. It messes everything up if I don’t establish this base. Once I’m at the blog I open a new post and set up the title so if I have to come back later I can find it. It does double duty when it sits there bugging me in draft form.
This happens a lot.
Same here! I don’t like to wait too long because the draft annoys me.
As for writing up a post it really varies. Usually I start by adding any notes I’ve written down onto the post. Any thoughts/feelings or points I also want to address go there. This is a big help especially if I can’t write the review just then. As for formatting vs. actually writing the review, the order changes all the time.
That’s a long process! Do you do any kind of scheduling, Nator Twinsies?
Scheduling wise, it goes up in the next available slot. I try to schedule at least a few days ahead. It all depends on how much is scheduled already. If I’m doing really well it’ll go up the next week. Two weeks is a blessing from the gods.
That’s okay, I used to do everything the day before too. Yay for procrastination! *fist bump*
*fist bump* Please Note: I DO have a blogging calendar. I put all my blog tours on it so I can be ahead of the game, assuming all goes well. I don’t put reviews down like Jessi does but I DO use it. There, now you won’t think of me like I’m the most discombobulated blogger on the planet. Which I might be.
At least you keep track of something! You’re not discombobulated! (Your discombobulation is my combobulation ;D)
Haha so that’s how we do it! I think Jessi wins the “Most Organized Nator Award”. Yay Jessi. I really need to get my lazy butt into shape with this whole scheduling thing.
*takes a bow* I try! I was lazy for the first year of my blogging life and it just got too stressful to do everything last minute!
May I learn from your experience so I don’t have to go through with it. Hehe. Anyway, thanks for stopping by! Below you can find a lovely little overview of our entire systems. Jessi gets the idea credit. Go Jessi!
Inky’s Process:
- Read book
- Take notes
- Establish thoughts on Goodreads
- Create blog post
- (In post) Make a ist of thoughts/notes/feels to address
- Format post
- Write review
- Schedule to post on next open date
- Get excited I'm finished
- Start all over again
[Inky] Occasionally 6 & 7 like to act naughty and switch places for fun. It creates dramatic tension. *eyebrow wiggle*
You know, if you switched to Wordpress you could get the Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin and you wouldn't have to format your posts anymore ;p
*cough* Peer Pressure *cough*
Jessi’s Process:
- Draft review post, set up all info in UBB
- Read book
- Take notes while reading
- (In post) Outline main points I want to discuss as soon as I finish book
- Write full review when I have time
- Schedule 2 weeks in advance (hopefully)
- Write reviews in planner
- Add review to Goodreads (or write summary if it's not out for a while)
Let us know what your system is in the comments below! And don’t forget to submit a suggestion for what you’d like us to talk about!
Anything you'd like us to discuss? Submit a topic!
Don't forget to visit Jessi on Auntie Spinelli Reads! Happy Saturday! XOXO,
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