For the past 10 years I've been posting reviews of kids and YA time travel and time slip books on (most) Tuesdays ( 413 of them to date ), and I thought it would be fun on this last Tuesday of 2019 that is also the decade's last day do go through the c 250 time travel books I've reviewed in these past 10 years and pick ten favorites published between Jan.1 2010 and today. It was indeed fun to remember all the books, and it was fun in a nostalgic way to be reminded of the close-knit blogisphere I was part of back in the day (we all linked to each other's reviews, for instance...), but boy is it excruciating to be confronted with my poorly edited prose! I dash off my posts and hit send before I can change my mind, and it shows. I am sorry. It was hard to choose just ten, and I really wanted to include one from 2009 too ( The Hotel Under the Sand , by Kage Baker), but I managed...The links are to my reviews. I will try to come back tomorrow morning to add pictures ...