I want each of you to take a deep breath and savor it. The atmosphere inside this gondola is the last breath of free air you will ever taste. As soon as this airship departs the station you will never set foot on civilized land again, not that any of you deserve it. There are two indisputable facts about the Outcast Zone. Number one, it is the most inhospitable place you will ever visit. And number two, it will be the place where you will die. My lieutenant is handing out burlap sacks. This is the only assistance we will provide to you to help you adjust to life inside the Outcast Zone. In it you will find a loaf of bread and a wedge of cheese. Now, you can eat the bread and cheese which should allow you to survive for a few days. Or, you can use what we have provided you to lure in rats, which are an excellent source of protein and are quite abundant. That should give you about a month before your bait runs out. Or, you could use the rats you trap to attracting larger prey who, w...