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Showing posts from December, 2014

Marketing Revenue


Hi from the Monticello Gardens! It's been over two months since my last post. TWO MONTHS! And besides that I've only posted 18 times this year, and twice in the last 6 months. This is just sad. I even missed my Blogoversary in May and my birthday later in August! Things have been crazy and I just had to pop in for an update and to say hi! And also that 2015 is going to  be the year I get back into blogging (if only part-time)! But more on that in a minute. I figure I owe all of you a bit of a life update beyond any Tweets you may have seen. I think I've mentioned back in January that school has been a priority and on the side I've just been enjoying life (back in January, sheesh!) That is still true! I started doing concurrent enrollment at the community college nearby in August and had a great semester. Partly because I was taking an Italian class, which is something I've wanted to learn for a long time, and it is just SO MUCH fun! I'm loving it, and had such ...