[Inky] Why hello there! It’s Inky here to kick-off another Nators Discuss! Today we have a very FUN topic chosen by Jessi: Book Boyfriends! Holl-UH. Thanks to Stephanie from Chasm of Books , Shannon from Rex Robot Reviews & Melanie from YA Midnight Reads for inspiring this topic! [Jessi] What exactly makes a fictional boy swoony? Is it the sexy factor? Boy next door, or bad boy? Sweet, or aloof? [Inky] Depends on the person I’d say. For me, it’s gonna be a combination or my mood at the time. In generally I’m partial to the goofy best friend personality. The funny boys that make you laugh and smile all over. I do like my share of the dark yummy boys though. [Jessi] Yes, you do tend to go for the vanilla, er, nice ones, which is why we typically disagree on Teams [Inky] >.< Thankfully we still get along...most of the time. *coughs* So who are your “book boyfriends?” Any favorites? [Jessi] To tell you the truth, the only ‘Book Boyfriends’ I have are Warner from Unravel Me a...